We seem to have forgotten Real Bills. All that's needed is to restore the gold clause so people can make contracts, domestically and internationally, in their own currencies guaranteed by a quantity of gold. Gold backs the transaction, not the currency. The money supply increases and decreases as commercial demand increases and decreases. It's a private system. No gold is needed in Ft. Knox but the bank, as guarantor, must be able to perform. See the extensive writings of Professor Antal Fekete. https://professorfekete.com/

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You and Prof. Fekete are correct. Gold can be used as a means of exchange in private transactions, as can anything deemed of value by both parties in a trade, though governments generally don’t like competing currencies and non-authorized monetary systems, particularly if they gain a following and traction, as Bernard von NotHaus discovered in 2011. https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/charlotte/press-releases/2011/defendant-convicted-of-minting-his-own-currency

Unfortunately, most neither own gold nor understand gold clauses, which explains widespread dependence on government-issued fiat currencies, and lack of understanding about the constitutional dollar and sound money.

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What price would gold have to be to eliminate the $36 trillion dollar debt, taking into consideration the gold reserves of the United States?

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Good question, Roger.

Math is not my strong suit, but here's what I came up with. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

U.S. government debt is $36.4 trillion and the U.S. Treasury claims 261.5 ounces in gold reserves.

$36,400,000,000,000 divided by 261,498,926 ounces = $139,197 per ounce

So, if my math is correct, the gold price would have to be revalued to around $140,000 an ounce to cover the nation's outstanding debt.

Other gold analysts, including Nick Barisheff and James Rickards, have projected a future gold price of $10,000 to $15,000 an ounce and higher.



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Thank you for that. I have a copy of James Rickard’s book: CURRENCY WARS, I consider him to be a great source. His experience and contacts are very telling.

Roger Rickards (no relation)

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I have a few of Rickards' books myself, including "The New Case for Gold."

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